As the summer slowly fades away, and the leaves turn color as autumn creeps in, one can reflect upon this past summer, as we get closer towards the 2019 inaugural Canadian Premier League season.

It began with the official announcement of Winnipeg’s CPL club, Valour FC. The club’s crest and colors were unveiled on Investors Group Field, the pitch where the team will eventually play. Later in June, Valour FC announced Rob Gale would be the first Head Coach and general manager. The mouth was watering for a local Winnipeg soccer fan, as the road began to next spring.
At a Meet the Coach’s night for founding season ticket members at Nicolinos, Rob laid out that his vision for the club was to represent Valour FC’s identity of values: Honour, courage, in the midst of the battle on the pitch.
There was also the Valour FC World Cup final viewing party as France battled Croatia. What stood out was the passion shown for soccer in this city, a microcosm of what can occur at Investors Group Field next year. The launch of Valour FC, this summer showed River City is ready again for professional soccer and “The Beautiful Game”.
Winnipeggers from all walks of life and all cultures are ready for a new sporting adventure as CPL Commissioner David Clanachan said at the launch we are prepared for “football, European football “. In the coming months, we will see further glimpses of how our club will transpire. From the eventual signing of players, open tryouts, kit launches, and seat allocations for members. Excitement will only ramp up for a city that is bubbling for Valour FC’s inaugural season. As a supporters group, Red River Rising will be there every step of the way. We will have plenty of upcoming events, including our Kick around at Investors Group Field on September 23rd.
As the summer turns to fall then to winter, and spring, we continue to wait with anxious breath for the inaugural season. Join us and our movement as we help build a unique sporting experience for Winnipeggers, and to develop a soccer culture that we can call our own.
If you are not a founding member yet, buy your membership today and get ready to Rise Together for Valour FC next spring.
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